
张莉 教授/博士生导师




联系方式[email protected]

黄色在线直播-做爱直播平台 副院长、公共关系与战略传播研究所所长,清华大学伊斯雷尔·爱泼斯坦对外传播研究中心副主任。2021年获评欧盟“让·莫内讲席教授”。曾任教于英国诺丁汉大学和英国东安格利亚大学,2012年获英国东安格利亚大学终身教职。是英国高等教育学会的会士(Fellow of Higher Education Academy, UK)。受邀在国际会议和论坛做邀请报告或邀请评论二十余次,是十多个SSCI期刊和英美著名出版社的评审人、多所国际知名大学博士论文评审人。多次受英国BBC、《卫报》、丹麦广播电台等国际媒体邀请参与现场直播讨论和采访等。


北京师范大学 文学学士

北京师范大学 文学硕士

英国利兹大学 传播学博士








曾获亚欧基金优秀青年学者奖(European Studies in Asia (ESiA) Young Academics Fellowship)、中国国际公共关系协会年度学术成果奖、第四届青年新媒体学术研究“启皓奖”、中国新闻史学会学术年会优秀论文奖、中国公共关系优秀学术论文奖、第六届至第九届全国大学生公共关系策划创业大赛一等奖指导教师、北京市高等教育教学成果奖二等奖、清华大学教学成果奖一等奖、清华大学先进工作者等。


L. Zhang (2023) China in European Narratives: Policy, Identity and Image, London: Routledge

L. Zhang (2011), News Media and EU-China Relations, New York: Palgrave Macmillan

史安斌,张莉(2022) 主编《国际传播与全球治理研究前沿》,北京:中国社会科学出版社

张莉,张静怡(2021) 主编《中欧关系:文化·认知·传播》,北京:光明日报出版社


L. Zhang (2021), China’s Belt and Road Initiative in the European Media: A mixed narrative?, in A. Miskimmon, B. O’Loughlin and J. Zeng (eds.), One Belt, One Road, One Story? Towards an EU-China Strategic Narrative, pp.115-138, New York: Palgrave Macmillan

L. Zhang and P. Wang (2021), “Divide and Rule” or Not? Constracting Discourses from the EU and China on 17+1 Under BRI, in B. Wu, Z. Liu and W. Ju (eds.), The China-CEEC Cooperation at the New Stage: A Multi-Dimensional Analysis, pp.387-401, Beijing: China Social Science Publishing House

S. Lai and L. Zhang (2019), Public diplomacy of the European Union in East Asia, in W. Song and J. Wang (eds.), The European Union in the Asia Pacific: Rethinking Europe’s Strategies and Policies, pp.96-119, Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press

L. Zhang (2016), ‘International Media Representation of Contemporary China’, in Tim Wright (ed.) Oxford Bibliographies in Chinese Studies, Oxford: Oxford University Press

L. Zhang (2014), “What shapes the perceptions of the EU in China? Discrepancies between the media representations and the public perceptions”, pp.66-85, in N. Chaban and M. Holland (Eds.), Europe and Asia: Perceptions from afar, Baden-Baden: NOMOS and London: Bloomsbury

S. Lai and L. Zhang (2014), “Challenging the EU‘s Economic Roles? The Impact of the Euro zone Crisis on EU Images in China”, pp.171-195, in N. Chaban and M. Holland (Eds.), Europe and Asia: Perceptions from afar, Baden-Baden: NOMOS and London: Bloomsbury

L. Zhang and Y. Yu (2013), “Chinese Views of the EU: Overview of survey findings”, pp. 11-36, in L. Dong, Z. Wang and H. Dekker (Eds.) China and the European Union, London: Routledge

L. Zhang (2011), “Building Communication Capacity for Good Governance: A Multi-leveled Analysis”, pp. 145-158, in Z. Deng and S. Guo (Eds), China’s Searches for Good Governance: Inside and Outside China, New York: Palgrave Macmillan

L. Zhang (2009), “Communicating EU in China: News Media, Foreign Policy, and National Interests”, pp.85-100, in Y. Pasadeos (Ed.) Variety in Mass Communication Research, Athens: Athens Institute for Education and Research Press


T. Tong and L. Zhang* (2023) Platforms versus agents: the third-party mediation role of CGTN’s news commentary programs in China’s Media Going Global plan, Chinese Journal of Communication, DOI: 10.1080/17544750.2023.2232901

L. Zhang (2023) Issue framing, News Value, and National Interest: communicating EU crises in China, Comparative European Politics, //doi.org/10.1057/s41295-023-00357-1



L. Zhang (2022), Bridging the communication gap in EU‑China relations: policy, media, and public opinion, Asia Europe Journal, 20 (3), 219-228

L. Zhang and P. Wang (2022), Public Attitude and Opinion Leaders: Mapping Chinese Discussion of EU’s Energy Role on Social Media, JCMS-Journal of Common Market Studies, 60(6), pp.1777-1796


Jiang, S., Zhang, L.* & d’Haenens, L. (2022), Focusing on political and civil concerns in news media? European refugee issue seen from China, Asia Europe Journal, 20 (3), pp.265-282

Jiang, S., d’Haenens, L. & Zhang, L.* (2021), Differences in journalism culture or is there more to it? Comparing news on the European refugee issue in Western Europe and China,the International Communication Gazette, 83 (5), pp.451-473

张莉、崔杨臻, 《新冠疫情期间欧盟形象的“自塑”——对话理论视角下欧盟在华数字公共外交的实践与效果研究》,载《欧洲研究》,2021年第1期,第49-74页


L. Zhang (2020), Research Progress in Chinese Perceptions of the EU: A Critical Review and Methodological Reflection, Asia Europe Journal, Vol 18, No.1, pp.17-34

张莉、张晓旭,《“17+1 合作”背景下中东欧国家涉华舆情研究》,载《当代世界》,2020年第4期,第22-28页





L. Zhang (2016), “’Reflexive Expectations in EU-China Relations’: A media analysis approach”, JCMS-Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol.54, Issue 2, pp.463-479

